There are many ways to go about choosing your replacement windows in Lakeside, CA, but some homeowners like to start by only considering windows with the Energy Star label on them. This label is important and its presence on a window can show many benefits to that product. Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider starting with Energy Star labels and going from there.
Windows Have Submitted To Testing
The Energy Star company is an independent organization that offers to test things for efficiency. The testing is completely voluntary. So when you see that a window has the Energy Star label, that means that the manufacturer submitted that window for testing. They didn’t have to. It was completely up to them. But they stood behind their product enough to have it tested—and the product passed, which is even more telling.
Windows Meet A Certain Efficiency Level
When you see the Energy Star label, you know a window will only have that if they passed with a certain level of efficiency. Not only is the window efficient, but it’s efficient in your specific region. Windows that pass the tests here are different than windows that pass the test on the other side of the country. You know that the windows are quality and that they would be efficient in your home. You want to know more about the windows, of course, but starting with that label is a good place to take off.
You Get The Quality You Want
You don’t want subpar windows on your house and one way to ensure that you get quality is by ensuring that any window you consider has the Energy Star label. That company has done the leg work for you. They’ve done the testing. They know what the window is capable of and they approve it for your home. You can get peace of mind in knowing that the windows with these labels are high in quality.
It’s a Good Starting Point For Comparisons
Once you find a bunch of similar windows that all have the Energy Star label, you can compare their ratings from there. There are going to be some windows that are higher in efficiency than others, even if they all have that Energy Star label. The label shows they meet a certain level of efficiency, but some will go above and beyond that. Start with the Energy Star label and then compare the rest of the ratings from there to get what you want for your home.
There are plenty of ways to rule windows out when you are ready to get replacement windows in Lakeside, CA and one beneficial idea is to rule any window out that doesn’t have the Energy Star label on it. Those windows either didn’t submit to testing, or they didn’t pass, neither of which is a good sign. The professionals at Window Solutions can help you compare ratings on windows that have the Energy Star label.