How Vinyl Windows Can Save You Money

Jul 24, 2017

If you are in the process of purchasing new windows for your San Diego home, chances are you have heard about vinyl windows and their number of benefits. Still, you may not have heard about vinyl windows potential to save you money in a number of areas. Vinyl windows were introduced in the 1970’s as a more affordable alternative to other window materials on the market. The material has managed to hold on to its low price tag and continue to be one of the most affordable frames on the market, but this is just one of the many ways vinyl windows can help you save.

Vinyl Windows Can Save You Money on Your Monthly Electric Bills
In addition to their low cost, vinyl windows have grown a solid reputation for their energy efficient capabilities. In fact, making the switch to vinyl windows can save you hundreds on annual energy expenses. Here’s how it works. Frames with traditional materials, like wood, tend to hold on to excess moisture. Over time that excess moisture can start to rot or warp the frame, leading to drafts that will send your heating and air conditioning directly out the window, no pun intended. Vinyl windows, however, are made from a material called PVC that doesn’t hold on to any excess moisture, reducing the likelihood of drafts along with those monthly bills.

Vinyl Windows Can Save You Money on Upkeep and Maintenance Costs
Homeowners with traditional windows are stuck with the annual chore of peeling, sanding, painting and staining their windows to keep them looking like new. This process can be both time consuming and expense. On one hand, if you are completing the work yourself you have to repeatedly pay the cost of materials, on the other hand, if you choose to hire someone to do the work for you, you are stuck with the cost of services. The simple solution? Switch to vinyl windows that only require the occasional washing with soap and water.

Vinyl Windows Can Increase You Resale Price
Plan on selling your home? Then you may want to take a closer look at vinyl windows. Recent real estate reports have found that homes with vinyl windows sell at a higher rate than those without. In fact, it’s predicted that most homeowners can receive up to an 80% return on the original cost of their windows once their home has sold.

Vinyl windows are the economical choice for your home, making them a sound investment that you can rely on. In fact, by adding together the amount these windows can save you each year, it’s easy to see how they practically pay for themselves. If you’re interested in investing in quality vinyl windows we suggest starting at Window Solutions. We offer some of the highest quality vinyl windows in the market and can help you find the perfect fit for your home. To learn more about our vinyl window selection give us a call at 619-258-0515 or visit our showroom located at 11632 Riverside Dr Lakeside, CA 92040.

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