Once you go through the details and choose all of the items you want to be included on replacement windows in Lakeside, CA, the only thing left is the installation. You don’t want to get to that stage and have something go wrong with the installation. It’s the final step, but it’s highly important to get that step right in order to get the results you want from the windows you have chosen. Here are some things that can go wrong if you don’t hire professional installers.
The Neighbor Gets Hurt
When you have someone you know to install the windows, and they seem to know what they are doing, but they aren’t really pros, you are taking a huge risk. First, they don’t come with company insurance as professionals should. If something happens and they get injured, they are on your property and you are going to be liable for that. Medical bills can run sky high and you don’t want the guilt that comes along with knowing someone was hurt doing you a favor, either.
Your Family Member Damages Your House
It’s always nice to have family members willing to come to your aid, but it’s different from asking them to help you move a couch than it is to have them help you install windows. If your family member doesn’t know how to do it right, they might damage your home or even your new windows—or both. That means you are going to have further repair costs as well as installation costs in addition to what the new windows already cost you. They aren’t liable for it. They don’t have the guarantees that come along with professionals. It’s all on you.
The Windows Don’t Perform As Promised
Even if the windows seem to go in well and nothing goes awry, without professional installation, there’s always a chance (and a large one, at that) that the windows aren’t going to perform as they promised they would according to their labels. Any little thing that goes wrong can cause air leaks. And, when the pros didn’t perform the installation, the windows no longer have a warranty attached to them, which is another huge bummer.
A Second Installation Is Necessary
If the windows went in the wrong and you’re suffering from the consequences, you might have to have a second installation done. The real professionals will have to come out, fix what went wrong, and re-install the windows. That’s going to cost you more than it would have to have them install the windows in the first place.
Once you go through the effort of finding and ordering just the right replacement windows in Lakeside, CA, you’re going to want to have them professionally installed to finish the job off in the right manner. Contact the professionals at Window Solutions when you are ready to look into new windows. We can help you find windows that suit your home and your budget and then, we can install them for you to wrap the job up in just the right ways.